Sunday 23 June 2013

Location, shooting, SMART Objectives...

We established the setting of the video, and that green, plants/trees were clearly seen despite the extreme depth of field, and therefore we chose to film at 'Jack Kaye Walk' which was essentially the closest we could get to what looks like decking and trees in the background. We began to film with one of the three girls we were to film. The first shoot went well despite a few problems in the form of struggling to make the smoke thick enough to be clearly seen on the camera and also by pure luck filming at a time when there wasn't too much wind to blow the smoke away. We came away from the shoot happy with what we had filmed and went in to edit the clip into the section of the song it was set to be copying and it fit perfectly. At this moment in time we have been trying to organise two more girls to film and through no real fault of our own, due to the girls not being able to fit in filming around the times we asked to film outside of college time. Furthermore, on days we were set to film, the weather has not permitted it and left us unable to film as it is sunny on the video. With three days to the deadline, we as a group have decided to simply film on college with the new lens we have borrowed from a friend to improve the depth of field simply to get the project finished, this we feel is a 'SMART' objective as it gives us enough time to edit the clip also, and due to their only being a couple of straight-cuts and a fade in from black at the beginning this should be easily achieved by Wednesday.

The song: XXYYXX - About You

We chose this as our video as we felt this was a productive use of our transition time as copying this video will teach us valuable editing skills that we could use in our A2 work, like for example frame blending and slow motion techniques using the 'Final Cut' programme on the iMac.

Monday 10 June 2013